Thursday 12 July 2012

Making an Independent Living as a Nigerian University Student part-1 By CONSULTANT -

There are more than just a way of making some money while in school. Becoming a successful student in a fast-growing and challenging economy like ours requires a special personal support than total dependence on a meager monthly pocket-money from parents/guardian.
In this article dated June 28th, 2012; I have come up with a secret that hitherto have remained blurred to the knowledge over 10 million Nigerian students, both in Nigerian based-institutions of learning abroad. I would therefore summon everyone to hearken to these tablets aimed at building confidence and survival instinct in every willing university undergraduates, and post graduates as well.
I will of course pledge you indulgence as some of the money making/personal support strategies I’m going to discuss below may be tasking, hard-to-undertake, and menial in some cases. That as well goes a long way to tell you that the tips are not meant for the lazy and well-to-do students; but for the seriously minded taken-to-be-poor-but-rich-in-mind students.
Here in this article, I am going to discuss with you guys some pretty cool way of making small, but steady and satisfying income on campus with little stress. With these strategies, I don’t expect you to dream of becoming the biggest boy or girl in campus, I only expect you to be the boy or girl that can assist your parents in taking care of your minor expenses in school. In other words, below are tips for survival NOT a get-rich-quick or Rockafella scam tips. Let’s start with the locales as thus:
Manual Labour
According to my Economics teacher back in secondary school; every production process will require land (in form of fixed natural resources), capital (in form of money/assets), raw materials and of course Labour (unskilled, semi-skilled or skilled). The term manual labour as used above indicate that which is present in every young man or woman without any formal education (or atleast with secondary school qualifications).
Dear students, I urge you to advertise your skills as a cleaner, painter, gardener, heavy-goods mover, barber etc and wait for the job-calls to flood in. In my very hostel as a student in the Federal University of technology Owerri, I pay a fellow student monthly for checking the electrical installations and generator set I use in my apartment on weekly to monthly basis. How much more companies, churches, and well-to-do individuals that need these services?
Disadvantages? Yeah it does exist! ”It’s pretty tough to juggle all the work and meet up with academic activities and still stay in touch with friends and family.” They will give you some space and call you the workaholic. #My personal experience.
 Private Tutoring
Have you ever seen some young guys or girls (though in rare cases) tutor in your school paid tutorial classes? Ever wondered who pay them? Now let me tell you, they make some cool cash as tutors. Why relax and whirl away your precious time and God-given talent? Start tutoring in your school (or even in your faculty) and pocket some cheap, but honourable change!
What about many schools that are located in almost rural areas? Why not advertise your skills at a local school or community centre, or join an agency? You could see yourself land a home-teaching job in one of the biggest community halls or houses. #My friend survived doing this in the University of Nigeria Nsukka. he is now a second in command manager in a private oil firm in PH city.
Disadvantages? During exam periods when demand is highest, the tutoring course may coincide with your exams. And agencies may take a cut of your earnings. But does that really matter?
Be an Inventor of Ideas
Surprised that you can invent an idea? Then it simply means you are not a human. or you are probably a dead man walking…sorry to say. Every living being can invent an idea out of his or her uniqueness, the only constraint to this is when people don’t believe in themselves.
Sometime last month, Unilver Plc was looking for youths who could develop some business ideas and get paid in form of prizes. many of you absconded I know. Why because no one wants to work. We all need to make it overnight, but does it work that way? May be it does, but definitely not for everyone.
Sit down and think! Bring a brilliant idea to life and watch the money tumble in. That way you can make some change while in school.
Disadvantages? “Instead of being a typical student and going to the pub with friends, you find yourself on the phone to clients and suppliers or staring at accounts past midnight every day. When deals fall through it can be a disaster.” Don’t be afraid of loosing though.
Other money-making strategies you can adopt includes
I have been writing articles in the internet since I was 15, and I know that most youths (in Nigeria) dislike reading long write-ups. In that view, i have to make this article  a bit shorter and less elaborate than intended. Below I will compound very many other ways of making ends meet in school.
You can be an article writer, a mini-technician, a dancer, a waiter/waitress, a singer, an actor/actress, a web-designer, a software developer, a part-time driver/cyclist, a post office agent, a marketer, an advertiser, a consultant, etc.
You can be a campus model, or can even open a car wash. There a lot more you can do, just think!
My Story in Brief
Like I stated above, I started writing articles online at the age of 15, and currently have over 5,000 written/published articles on the internet. And guess what? People read them on daily/hourly basis! and invariably they turn in some little or sometimes no returns. I am happy today because I am helping people achieve their abandoned dreams.
I am not limited to article writing, I was an online investor and was earning about $100.oo weekly while in my first year. I saved the proceeds and used it support myself in an online self-training in web management. The training later landed me a well-paid job in the Imo State Government house at during my 3rd year. After I lost out of the job, I resorted back to my article writing, and today I manage/co-own the largest educational and students’s resource website in the country.
Note however that I only told you a brief story about my success to inspire you, not to limit you. I wish you all the best, and don’t hesitate to Ask Wilfred when need arises.
 you can add him on BBM : 224282FD

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